8. July 2024


Dear Partners, please be informed we will be closed for Summer Holidays from August 12th 2024 to August 16th 2024 included. Orders and inquiries received during […]
22. December 2022

PF 2023

2022 is coming to an end. It is a time of evaluation, as well as a time of new visions of what the next year will […]
7. November 2022

Supratek on a hike

Several times a year, our company organizes sports activities, which include hikes. During October, we climbed Vysoká and Geldek. We look forward to further hikes and […]
28. October 2022

Project “Innovative technologies in the production process SUPRATEK s.r.o.”

The goal of the project is the realization of the main activity of the project “Support of intelligent innovations”, namely through the procurement of new technology […]
19. July 2022

Cooler assembly workplace and visual inspection workplace

COOLER ASSEMBLY WORKPLACE It is used for mounting the cooler on the printed circuit board (DPS). The device allows you to turn the PCB upside down […]
28. June 2022

SUPRATEK on golf

We care about building trust and good relations of the company and that is why we value everyone who is willing to spend their free time […]
9. June 2022

Bearing pressing station

For our customer from the automotive industry, we designed a free-standing automatic station for pressing bearings and circlips into bricks. The device is equipped with a […]
17. February 2022
Lift rotary table

Lifting rotary table

The main function of the rotary lifting table is to rotate, raise and lower the wire magazine up to a weight of 5000 kg. When designing […]
23. December 2021

Pour féliciter 2022

2021 is coming to an end. It is a time of evaluation, as well as a time of new visions of what the next year will […]